September 11, 2008

Kitchen Nightmares: Handlebar Restaurant

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The upcoming fall television season will feature several new shows based on concepts previously tried out in other countries. One such show coming back for a second season is Kitchen Nightmares, the British version of which became a hit thanks to the presence of the caustic Gordon Ramsay. While viewers might feel a bit guilty watching Ramsay verbally flay inexperienced chefs on Hell's Kitchen, it's another thing entirely to see him going after restaurant owners who are failing to serve their staffs and their customers. We've all been in bad restaurants and wanted a Ramsay to speak, or scream, for us.

Tonight's nightmare (Fox, 9 PM) is the Handlebar, a Long Island establishment that hasn't kept up with the times. The ambience is a good 25 years out of date (a problem even on Long Island), and the Handlebar's head chef is merely putting in time, seemingly uninterested in learning anything new. Can Ramsay get the restaurant's owners to make the needed changes? The stakes might seem small, since the loss of one restaurant isn't going to impact any of us one way or the other, but it's just fun to watch Ramsay explode.

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