September 16, 2008

Favourite women in entertainment - Saturday night live sarah palin video

Tina Fey Slams Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live!

We’ve never been a huge fan of Tina Fey but her recent skit for Saturday Night Live has now made her one of our favourite women in entertainment.

Tina’s hilarious portrayal of Sarah Palin running for Vice President of the United States had us laughing our you-know-what’s off.

Tina, alongside Amy Poehler who played Hillary Clinton, looked like a mirror image of Sarah Palin from her bee-hive bun to her red turtleneck suit.

Even her accent was dead-on – not to mention her signature bright red lipstick – if you know what we mean.

Fey mocked every one of Palin’s ridiculous views from her stance on global warming to the fact that she actually believes that dinosaurs co-existed on this earth with human beings.

The whole clip is hilarious from start to finish but the underlying message remains the same. Voting for Palin as VP would be detrimental to the well-being of every person in America.

We encourage you to check out the video and let us know what you think. Do you think Palin should become Vice President?


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