September 16, 2008

Coolest high-tech gadgets - Bodybugg

Biggest Loser Using New Diet Gadget, the BodyBugg

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With the season premiere of NBC’s The Biggest Loser on Tuesday, September, 16th, we have a sneak peek into some of the newest gadgets and devices that will help the team members knock off those pounds. And the best part is that these new diet tools aren’t just for the team members: They are available to you as well.

Body Bugg

One of the coolest high-tech gadgets that the team members will be sporting is the BodyBugg. The BodyBugg is a highly accurate calorie counter and resembles a wristwatch even though it is worn on your tricep or upper arm. This small device calculates how many calories you are burning all day long. It does so through an astute sensor configuration that measures your body temperature, motion and skin conductivity. Each minute, it takes a reading on how many calories you are burning and have burned. You are even encouraged to wear the band while you sleep, since the more you wear it, the more programmed it becomes to precisely read your body’s caloric expenditures. But it does not calculate how many calories you are consuming.

The mission behind the BodyBugg is to get you to move more. By moving more, you burn more calories. More movement in combination with a reduced calorie diet equals pounds lost. That is just what is needed as the sixth season of The Biggest Loser makes its fall return. Pay special attention to their upper arms to see if they are sporting the BodyBugg.

The device is a bit on the pricey side: $250 to $350. But if you are a Type A personality and thrive on knowing what your metabolism is constantly up to, then maybe the BodyBugg is worth the investment.

Here is a complete review of the BodyBugg.

By Heather

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