September 10, 2008

Amitabh Bacchan Blog - Astronomical 8,79,88,000 hits in 4 months

Mumbai, Sept. 7, 2008: Bollywood super star Amitabh Bachchan’s blog has become a super duper hit. It was evident from the sheer number of responses that he gets from his readers on his blog, but now we have numbers to back it.

Amitabh Bachcan in the meantime has proved himself a good writer as well. His oratory was never in doubt. In fact he is such a forceful orator that he can put political oratory of the likes of Advani, Vajpayee and others as child like.

His writings are no less impressive. Mostly his postings on his blogs were written in a hurry, but he always makes it a point to write flawless English.

Now the numbers. Amitabh Bachchan says that average number of daily visitors to his site has exceeded 16000. He says that total number of visits since April ‘08 was 2,37,0,000 approx, including unique and regular visit.

He says that the total page views since April was approximately 1,14,00,000, while average page views per day was approximately100,000.

The total page hits so far since April ‘2008 when he launched the blog was an astronomical 8,79,88,000.

Source -

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